Hello Friend

I am an experienced cybersecurity professional with a focus on automating security measures. I have a strong interest in digital security, as well as programming. But offline, i love fitness, motorcycles, and traveling. Every day, I strive to be a better version of myself.

Currently my own boss, but previously worked for pentest and software development companies. From 2019 to 2022, I dedicated myself to building Varanid.io, a project that I programmed and later sold, retaining only the domain and company name.

My academic journey took me to Alkmaar for Software Development and to Amsterdam for Cyber Security. I graduated cum laude for my Cyber Security bachelor’s degree.

I have a rich history of attending various events and conferences, such as DEF CON 26, DEF CON 30, DEF CON 31, HITB, SHA2017, MCH2022, and BountyCon 2022 in Singapore, where I ranked 3rd out of 100 hackers. I also participated in BountyConEdu in 2022 in Madrid (being a part of the successful team BBAC, we clinched the first place) and Hack The Hague (2019 and 2021), where our team received the Most Advanced Hack Award and the Hackademics Award.